A Draft Proposal – Version 4

Structure chart for Eiffel Forum (4462 bytes)Administration
The Admin Team is responsible for:
overseeing the operation and activities of the Eiffel Forum
deciding matters of policy
making public announcements on behalf of the Eiffel Forum
New Admin Team members may be proposed by an existing member of the team, and will be invited to join the team unless a majority of the existing Admin Team members votes against their admission. Admin Team members may resign by notifying the team leader.
Membership Fees
There are currently no membership fees, although they might be introduced in the future. Expenses such as internet services have been met by donation.
Technical Work
The technical work is overseen by the Technical Team, who are responsible for all policy decisions regarding technical matters. The Technical Team may create any number of Project Teams to carry out specific technical tasks. In turn, a Project Team may create further Project Teams to carry out sub-tasks. Each team will report back to the team that created it (its “parent” team).
The initial members of a Project Team will be designated by its parent team. Further team members may be proposed by an existing member of the team, and will be invited to join the team unless a majority of the existing team members votes against their admission. Team members may resign by notifying the team leader.
Each team will elect a team leader who is responsible for the detailed running of the team, and for liaison with the parent team.
Other Activities
Other activities include the archives, the mailing lists, the website, and the Bazaar-style co-operative development projects. These activities are informal – any member can start an activity and run it more or less as they wish. However, they will need to co-ordinate with the Admin Team or the Webmaster if resources such as webspace or new mailing lists are required.